Програми підтримки сім’ї

Please use our new online application system for all Family Support Program Applications.  If you are a first time user, please complete the registration process.  Once you are logged in, you will be directed to the applications.  If you have already registered, simply log in.

If you are not able to complete the application using our online application system – please contact Alison Blue, Program Director at alison@mpssociety.org or 919-806-0101.

Family Support Programs are for eligible members of the National MPS Society.

Continuing Education Scholarship Program

Post secondary education scholarships are available for individuals with MPS and ML, their siblings (under age 30), and their children.  Scholarship applications are available in January.  The application deadline is March 15.  Applications are only accepted using our online application system.

MPS & ML Continuing Education Scholarship Program Guidelines

Jeffrey Bardsley Continuing Education  Scholarship Program Guidelines

Continuing Education Scholarship Program Guidelines for Parents, Siblings, and Children of an Individual with MPS or ML

Extraordinary Experiences

A program designed especially for individuals affected with MPS and ML who are 13 years of age and older. Grants of up to $1000 are available to help individuals have their very own life enriching extraordinary experience. Click here to apply.

Extraordinary Experience Guidelines

Family Assistance Program

Grants for special equipment or medical aids may be requested up to a maximum of $3,000 for parents of an individual with MPS or ML or an adult with MPS or ML per 12-month period, dependent on available funds and the Committee’s decision. Click here to apply.

Family Assistance Program Guidelines

Journey Assistance Program

Assistance grants to help purchase exceptional items needed during the MPS journey. Items requested shall be for exceptional items that have the potential to make your life easier or more enjoyable. These exceptional items typically have limited funding options, and are often out-of-pocket expenses for families.  Journey Grants will be awarded for 40% of the total purchase price and will not exceed $500 per individual with MPS or ML. Click here to apply.

Journey Assistance Program Guidelines

Medical Travel Assistance Program

Families may need to travel long distances to consult with medical professionals who are knowledgeable about MPS and ML. The Medical Travel Assistance Program (MTAP) helps fund out-of-town travel costs for such non-recurring medical appointments. MTAP may reimburse up to $600 per affected individual per 12 month period in transportation costs for member families traveling to a medical appointment more than 200 miles from their home. Click here to apply.

Medical Travel Assistance Program Guidelines

Regional Social Events

We encourage families to arrange social get-togethers for other families in their region. The Society offers grants to help assist with funding of your event.  Click here to apply.

Regional Social Event Guidelines